Our Bespoke Portfolio Service

Our bespoke portfolio service incorporates your client’s specific needs, objectives and tax considerations in an appropriate investment strategy, giving you the greatest confidence in generating the returns needed to deliver your client’s financial plans.

Designed for clients with at least £250,000 to invest.


Why City Asset Management’s bespoke service?

The personal touch

Your client will enjoy the benefits of a dedicated, professional investment manager who works to achieve their specific financial goals. All the time with you, the adviser, at the heart of the service, keeping us up-to-date as your client’s needs change.

Outsource to an expert team

Navigating through challenging markets requires expertise, experience and resources, a combination that we at City Asset Management have offered for over 30 years. Leave the portfolio management in our safe hands while you focus on financial planning and relationship building.

An award-winning service

Our powerful combination of a long track record, low all-inclusive fees and access to regular research and performance analysis has attracted industry recognition - Defaqto has awarded us the maximum 5* rating in each of the last five years.


 Our Mandates

Our bespoke portfolio service has been designed to provide advisers with greater confidence in generating the returns needed to deliver your client’s financial plans and, in turn, their lifestyle ambitions. This clear linkage between your client’s appetite for risk, the recommended investment mandate and the delivery of their financial plan can also be helpful in evidencing the suitability of your recommendations.

Real2 | To outperform CPI + 2% p.a. net of portfolio costs over the investment cycle

Sustainable Real2 | To outperform CPI + 2% p.a. net of portfolio costs over the investment cycle

Real3 | To outperform CPI + 3% p.a. net of portfolio costs over the investment cycle

Sustainable Real3 | To outperform CPI + 3% p.a. net of portfolio costs over the investment cycle

Real4 | To outperform CPI + 4% p.a. net of portfolio costs over the investment cycle

Sustainable Real4 | To outperform CPI + 4% p.a. net of portfolio costs over the investment cycle

Growth | To outperform the MSCI PIMFA Growth Index over the investment cycle

Global Equity | To outperform the MSCI PIMFA Global Growth Index over the investment cycle